For individuals who have any convictions, or have questions about their ability to obtain the Live Scan/DOJ background clearance, can request an “inquiry” with the Department by doing the following:
– Write at the top of the Live Scan form (BCIA8O16) “CLEARANCE ONLY WITH LETTER“, when filling out the form at the Live Scan vendor site.
CDPH will review Live Scan/DOJ results, determine if the individual is “cleared” or “not cleared”; and send the individual a letter explaining the results. Students who would like verbal acknowledgement regarding “clearance”, may call the Aide and Technician IVR line at (916) 327-2445 and request information from the ATCS phone representative regarding clearance.
Further questions may be referred to your Training Program Review Unit Representative, or the Professional Certification Branch at [email protected] or call (916) 327-2445.